1900 0224

Barcode Verification

Check barcodes, measure the quality of 1D and 2D barcodes according to the prescribed bar code quality standards. The bar code inspection system of the fully integrated solution in 1 system is designed to test and verify barcodes accurately and reliably for application standards such as GS1, HIBC, USPS and ISO/IEC 15415/15416.

Barcode technology is based on the recognition of signs coded in the form of bars and interlaced spaces of a defined size according to the principle of converting characters into a sign form called the bar code specification.

Barcodes must be set up so that they can be reliably decoded in use, so barcode equipment manufacturers and users who establish barcodes require publication and availability of a standard. about standard testing for the purpose of objectively evaluating barcode quality, as evidence when implementing equipment as well as applicable standards to determine the quality of barcodes.

ISO industry standard

The ISO Technology International Organization for Standardization, founded in 1947, is a standards-setting body made up of representatives from various standards organizations. There are hundreds of ISO standards, one that deals with barcodes, how data is included in a barcode, testing, determining the size of the barcode.

There are 3 ISO standards related to barcode quality:

  • ISO 15416 for 1D barcodes
  • ISO 15415 for 2D barcodes
  • ISO/IEC TR 29158 or AIM DPM for 2D DPM barcodes
tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch

Code technology dựa trên cơ sở công nhận các dấu hiệu được mã hóa dưới dạng vạch và khoảng trống xen có kích thước xác định theo nguyên tắc chuyển các ký tự thành dạng dấu hiệu gọi là quy định kỹ thuật của mã vạch.

ISO/IEC 15416 - 1D . Barcode Quality Standard

The 1D barcode ISO standard requires that 10 individual scan lines be performed throughout the height of the code and the level specified for each line. The types of scan lines are determined by various parameters. If a scan line does not meet minimum reflectance, decoding, or minimum edge contrast, it will automatically receive an "F" score. If all 3 pass, the software will score the parameters, contrast, modulation, error and decoding ability of the symbol.

Each line is graded on a scale from A to F. Once every scan line has been graded, 10 scans are averaged to create an official barcode category.

Minimum Reflectance check that the bars are dark enough to accommodate the required proportion of light reflected off the space machine.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch 1D
The bar is too light

Modulation refers to local variations.

Local Contrast

Edge Contrast measure the difference between adjacent bars and spaces.

Nền quá tối

Defects include printing errors, stains or markings affecting a bar or space.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch 1D
Bất thường

Decodability accuracy ratings of bar widths, and spaces relative to their ideal size. Barcodes with increased or distorted bar width have a low decoding score.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch
Tăng, mất, biến dạng chiều rộng của thanh

ISO/IEC 15415 - 2D barcode quality standard

Standard classification of 2D barcodes based on 8 different parameters. The scoring process starts with a pass or fail test code, if the code passes, it passes the first test. Otherwise, it will automatically be rated "F". After a code is decoded, it is classified according to Symbol Contrast, Fixed Pattern Damage, Modulation, Axial Non-uniformity, Grid Non-uniformity.

Symbol Contrast of the icon refers to the difference between the darkest and the lightest module.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch

Fixed Pattern Damage include errors with L face or watch model or quiet zone.

Modulation measure local variations in reverse.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch

Axial Non-uniformity refers to the uneven scaling of the code.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch

Grid Non-uniformity measure the maximum deviation from the grid.

Tiêu chuẩn chất lượng mã vạch 2D

ISO/IEC TR 29158 barcode quality standard (AIM DPM)

Các tham số chất lượng và quy trình phân loại cho mã DPM tương tự như ISO 15415, với một vài điểm khác biệt chính. Đầu tiên, đó chính là cách xác định ngưỡng toàn cầu, bản chất là đường phân chia giữa các ô sáng và tối. Vị trí của đường đó được vẽ là rất quan trọng, vì nó xác định ô gần sáng hay tối hơn.

To match a wide variety of substrate surfaces, AIM DPM calculates a global threshold using a more sophisticated algorithm than ISO 15415. AIM DPM also allows the use of 30°, 90° lighting and exterior domes. . This makes verification on curved, reflective or dot-marked parts possible.

Many businesses have also developed barcode quality standards that require their manufacturers to comply with the standards. The application standard outlines which are accepted, which ISO standards to classify.

For codes that print and process as well as for customers who receive the codes, verification checks provide assurance and confidence that the codes will be readable. With an increasing number of regulated industries must also meet the required standards of the industry. Therefore, barcode verification is a code quality control tool that ensures complete barcode scanning throughout the supply chain.




New Ocean Automation System Company Limited 

Website: New Ocean Automation System

Hotline: 1900 0224 

Email: customercare@new-ocean.com.vn